Kamis, 29 Maret 2012


Ernita Sari Hasibuan
                                                   email: ernitasarihasibuan@yahoo.co.id

Abstract. The purpose of this study to know the difference: (1) problem-solving ability of students receiving learning through realistic mathematical approach with conventional approaches. (2) communication skills of mathematical  students acquire mathematical learning through realistic mathematical approach with conventional approaches. (3) variation / diversity of  student’s answer with realistic mathematics approach compared with conventional approaches. This study is a quasi-experimental research. The population of the study is junior class VIII student in Budistrya and Kartika I-2 Medan accredited B. The instrument consists of: (1) test problem-solving ability, (2) test the mathematical communication skills, the subject system of linear equations of two variables, the test form is description. Both instruments are declared to have qualified content validity, and reliability coefficient for the problem-solving ability 0,886 and mathematical communication 0,904. Data analysis was performed by t test. The first research results is problem-solving ability of students receiving higher learning with PMR compared with students who have learning with conventional approaches. Ability to understand problems PMR 6.59 grade higher than the conventional class 5.21. Class planning capabilities PMR 7.24 higher than the conventional class 5.40. The ability to do class completion PMR 16.38 higher than the conventional class 9.40. The ability to re-examine the class PMR 4.31 higher than 0.875 conventional classroom. The entire aspect of problem solving ability classes PMR 34.53 higher than the conventional class 20.89. The results of both studies is the mathematical communication skills of students receiving higher learning with PMR compared with students who have learning with conventional approaches. The ability to connect images into the language or mathematical symbols PMR 7.15 grade higher than the conventional class 5.49. Ability to explain everyday events in the language or mathematical symbols PMR 7.88 grade higher than the conventional class 5.81. The ability to connect the table into the language or mathematical symbols PMR 7.36 grade higher than the conventional class 5.00. The ability to explain mathematical ideas with the class graph method PMR 5.78 higher than the conventional class 2.63. Ability to explain everyday events with a combined method of PMR 6.81 grade higher than the conventional class 3.23. The entire aspect of mathematical communication skills class PMR 34.99 higher than the conventional class 22.15. And a variety / diversity of students' answers to the more realistic mathematics approach systematically varied and compared with conventional approaches. Based on these results,  researchers suggested that learning with the PMR can be used as an alternative for mathematics teachers in presenting mathematics, mathematics is supposed to be learning with realistic socialized its use in junior high school.
Key Word : Problem Solving Ability, Communication Ability, Realistic Matehmatics Approach, Variation  Of  Answers That The Students.

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