Guru di
SMP Negeri 2 Samadua
email: pm.pps_un@yahoo.co.id
Abstract. This
Research bent on to express difference and ability improvement reasoning
student mathematics bases study factor and ability factor early mathematics,
know interaction between study approach and ability early mathematics to
ability reasoning student, and deskription pattern of student answer and
student attitude to mathematics with kontekstual approach. Population in
research is all class students VIII SMP at school with category B in district
Samadua, hereinafter at random selected two classes with rule one for
kontekstual class and one class for conventional class. Instrument that used
consist of test ability reasoning mathematics, questionnaire of attitude scale
and sheet of study activity observation. Instrument is referred expressed has
been up to standard content validity. Coefficient reliabilitas as high as 0,87
for tes ability reasoning mathematics. Data Analysis is conducted with Uji t
and analysis varians two bands (ANAVA). The result of research shows: (1)
Difference of ability improvement reasoning student mathematics that use
approach kontekstual in significant higher compared to student that use
conventional approach bases study factor and ability early student mathematics
(high, medium, low); (2) Ability reasoning student mathematics that getting the
study with approach kontekstual in significant higher than student that getting
the study with conventional approach; (3) Ability reasoning student mathematics
that get study with approach kontekstual in significant higher compared to
conventional approach bases ability early mathematics; (4) No existed
interaction between study approach and ability early mathematics to ability
reasoning student mathematics; (5) Answer Pattern test ability reasoning
student mathematics that get study with approach kontekstual more varies from
student that get study with conventional approach; (6) Student Attitude tends
to positive to mathematics by using approach kontekstual. Base this research
result can be concluded that approach kontekstual is correct approach, in the
effort improve ability reasoning student mathematics, to teacher suggested that
approach kontekstual is solution and alternative in improving ability reasoning
Key words: Approach,
Contekstual, Ability, reasoning,
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