Leni Agustina Daulay
Abstract. The purposes of this study are to
examine: (1) Increasing mathematical problem-solving abilities of students who
obtained a model of problem-based learning better than students who received
direct instruction model, (2) Increasing the ability of students who obtained a
mathematical connection problem based learning model is better than students
who received direct instruction model, (3) Levels of student activity during
problem-based learning process in progress.
This research
is a semi-experimental. The population of this
research is of seventh grade of Juinor
High School accredited B
at Tebing Tinggi. At random, one school was chosen as research subjects,
namely Junior High School District
4 at Tebing Tinggi. Two Classes of seventh grade
were selected randomly. Class experiment treated
the problem based learning model and classroom teaching model treated controls
directly. The instrument used consisted of: a test of mathematics
problem-solving ability, mathematical ability test connection and observation
sheet.Data analysis was performed with analysis of covariance (ANACOVA). The result of this study is the overall student learning
with problem-based learning is significantly better in improving mathematical
problem solving skills and connections that learning mathematics than students
with hands-on teaching and activities of
students in problem-based learning is effective. Based
on the results of the study, the researchers recommend that: (1) problem-based
learning in mathematics learning that emphasizes problem solving skills and
mathematical connections students can be used as an alternative for
implementing innovative math learning.
Keywords : Mathematical
Problem solving, mathematical connection, Problem-Based Learning
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