Kamis, 29 Maret 2012


Risna Mira Bella Saragih
Dosen Universitas Al-Wasliyah Medan

Abstract. The problem in this research is low student problem solving skills and students are not accustomed to solving problems with various procedures. This study aimed to determine (1) the differences increase students' problem-solving. (2) Determine the pattern of answers that the students in solving problems in each lesson. This study is a quasi-experimental, with research samples of class VII Budi Satrya SMP and SMP Al-Azhar Medan. Instruments used in math problem solving tests. Those instruments have been declared eligible content validity, and reliability coefficient of 0.95. Data analysis was performed with t test and Mann Withney. The main result of this study were (1) there is a difference improving problem-solving abilities of students who obtain realistic mathematics learning approach with students who get regular learning approach. Increased ability to understand the experimental class problem with categories is 0.51, while the control class at 0.28 with a low category. Improved ability to plan completion of the experiment class was 0.54 with a category of approximately 0.33 while the control class with the medium category. Increased ability to perform calculations experimental class at 0.47 with medium category, while the control class at 0.28 with a low category. Increased ability to re-examine experimental class 0.44 medium category, while the control class 0.22 with a low category. (2) The pattern of responses of the students in learning mathematics with a realistic approach to obtain better results compared to the pattern of responses of the students in learning with the usual approach. Suggestions to teachers are (1) Learning with realistic mathematical approach can be used as an alternative for teachers of mathematics in presenting the subject matter of mathematics. (2) Learning with realistic mathematics approach should be applied to the essential material regarding the real objects around the place to learn, to make students more quickly understand the lessons being learned. (3) In every lesson the teacher should create a learning atmosphere that gives the opportunity for students to express mathematical ideas in their own language and ways, so in mathematics learning to be brave argued, more confident and creative. While the advice to the researchers continued, should this research can be equipped with a detailed study of other aspects that have not been reached in this study.
Key words: Problem Solving Ability, Realistic Mathematics Approach, The Pattern of Responses of the Students.


Muflihatun Khairuna Pasaribu
Guru di Pemkab Labuhanbatu Utara

Abstract. The aims of this study are to identify the application of PQ4R metacognitive approach and to know the improvement of fifth grade elementary school students’ skill in modeling of math story problem on the subject of fractions through the application of PQ4R metacognitive approach.  The study is a Classroom Action Research (CAR) that took subject of fifth grade students of SDN 060818 Medan in 2010/2011 academic year, consisting of 47 students.  Data collections were collected by learning scenario, research observation sheets, math story problem modeling tests, and metacognitive strategies inventory.  This study consisted of 2 cycles of the first cycle consisted of 7 meetings and the second  cycle consisted of 3 meetings.  The result of the study show that application of PQ4R metacognitive approach can be used to reveal the fifth grade elementary school students' skills in modeling of math story problem and there is increasing fifth grade elementary school students' skills in modeling of math story problem on the subject of fractions through the application of PQ4R metacognitive approach.
Keywords : PQ4R Metacognitive Approach, Models Math Story Problem’s Skill.


Mujaman Saragih
Guru SMA Karya Kesuma Medan

Abstract. Math lessons require some aspects to support the learning process, among which is the level of students' critical thinking and positive attitude of students. For it is necessary to find an alternative which can help enhance the learning activities, and provide opportunities to students more active. Open-ended learning approach is one alternative to increase the liveliness and creativity of students in learning mathematics, thus increasing students' critical thinking. This was an experimental study in junior high with the subject population is the eighth grade students of SMP Negeri 28 Medan by taking 2 classes as the study sample VIII.C class as a class experiment and VIII.D as the control class. Samples were randomly selected from 7 group study class. The instrument used to collect data in this study consisted of testing students' critical thinking skills on the subject of a circle, Likert scale questionnaire to determine high and low learning attitudeThose instruments have been declared eligible content validity, and reliability coefficients for 0736 and 0820 in succession to the critical thinking skills and learning attitude. Processing the data to see the difference in students' critical thinking abilities between groups of students who gain learning with open-ended approach to learning and conventional learning Test begins with the test data Liliefors normality, homogeneity of data was tested with Bartlett test and the test statistic in the form of two-track Analysis of Variance (processing data with SPSS 15 and Excel) and after the test prerequisites are met followed by Scheffe test to see the difference from the sample groups in which many data are not the same for each group. Based on the analysis (ANOVA) of the research are: (1) students' critical thinking skills that are taught with an open-ended approach is different from signification students taught by conventional teaching approaches. The amount of significant value obtained from ANOVA 0.000 <value 5% significant level. This showed no significant differences of critical thinking skills in both teaching approaches. (2) critical thinking skills of students who have a high learning attitude different from signification students who have low learning attitude  The amount of significant value obtained from ANOVA 0,001 <value 5% significant level.   This showed no significant differences of critical thinking skills in both types of attitude (3) there is interaction between the learning approach with student-owned learning attitude.  The amount of significant value obtained from ANOVA 0000> value 5% significant level. One approach to learning that can affect students' critical thinking skills into a better direction is an open-ended approach to learning.   Learning attitudes held by students is one factor that supports the ability to think critically.
Key words: Critical Thinking,  Learning Attitude, Open Ended Learning Aproach, Conventional Learning.


Guru di SMP Negeri 2 Samadua
email: pm.pps_un@yahoo.co.id

Abstract. This Research bent on to express difference and ability improvement reasoning student mathematics bases study factor and ability factor early mathematics, know interaction between study approach and ability early mathematics to ability reasoning student, and deskription pattern of student answer and student attitude to mathematics with kontekstual approach. Population in research is all class students VIII SMP at school with category B in district Samadua, hereinafter at random selected two classes with rule one for kontekstual class and one class for conventional class. Instrument that used consist of test ability reasoning mathematics, questionnaire of attitude scale and sheet of study activity observation. Instrument is referred expressed has been up to standard content validity. Coefficient reliabilitas as high as 0,87 for tes ability reasoning mathematics. Data Analysis is conducted with Uji t and analysis varians two bands (ANAVA). The result of research shows: (1) Difference of ability improvement reasoning student mathematics that use approach kontekstual in significant higher compared to student that use conventional approach bases study factor and ability early student mathematics (high, medium, low); (2) Ability reasoning student mathematics that getting the study with approach kontekstual in significant higher than student that getting the study with conventional approach; (3) Ability reasoning student mathematics that get study with approach kontekstual in significant higher compared to conventional approach bases ability early mathematics; (4) No existed interaction between study approach and ability early mathematics to ability reasoning student mathematics; (5) Answer Pattern test ability reasoning student mathematics that get study with approach kontekstual more varies from student that get study with conventional approach; (6) Student Attitude tends to positive to mathematics by using approach kontekstual. Base this research result can be concluded that approach kontekstual is correct approach, in the effort improve ability reasoning student mathematics, to teacher suggested that approach kontekstual is solution and alternative in improving ability reasoning mathematics.
Key words: Approach, Contekstual, Ability, reasoning, mathematics


Ernita Sari Hasibuan
                                                   email: ernitasarihasibuan@yahoo.co.id

Abstract. The purpose of this study to know the difference: (1) problem-solving ability of students receiving learning through realistic mathematical approach with conventional approaches. (2) communication skills of mathematical  students acquire mathematical learning through realistic mathematical approach with conventional approaches. (3) variation / diversity of  student’s answer with realistic mathematics approach compared with conventional approaches. This study is a quasi-experimental research. The population of the study is junior class VIII student in Budistrya and Kartika I-2 Medan accredited B. The instrument consists of: (1) test problem-solving ability, (2) test the mathematical communication skills, the subject system of linear equations of two variables, the test form is description. Both instruments are declared to have qualified content validity, and reliability coefficient for the problem-solving ability 0,886 and mathematical communication 0,904. Data analysis was performed by t test. The first research results is problem-solving ability of students receiving higher learning with PMR compared with students who have learning with conventional approaches. Ability to understand problems PMR 6.59 grade higher than the conventional class 5.21. Class planning capabilities PMR 7.24 higher than the conventional class 5.40. The ability to do class completion PMR 16.38 higher than the conventional class 9.40. The ability to re-examine the class PMR 4.31 higher than 0.875 conventional classroom. The entire aspect of problem solving ability classes PMR 34.53 higher than the conventional class 20.89. The results of both studies is the mathematical communication skills of students receiving higher learning with PMR compared with students who have learning with conventional approaches. The ability to connect images into the language or mathematical symbols PMR 7.15 grade higher than the conventional class 5.49. Ability to explain everyday events in the language or mathematical symbols PMR 7.88 grade higher than the conventional class 5.81. The ability to connect the table into the language or mathematical symbols PMR 7.36 grade higher than the conventional class 5.00. The ability to explain mathematical ideas with the class graph method PMR 5.78 higher than the conventional class 2.63. Ability to explain everyday events with a combined method of PMR 6.81 grade higher than the conventional class 3.23. The entire aspect of mathematical communication skills class PMR 34.99 higher than the conventional class 22.15. And a variety / diversity of students' answers to the more realistic mathematics approach systematically varied and compared with conventional approaches. Based on these results,  researchers suggested that learning with the PMR can be used as an alternative for mathematics teachers in presenting mathematics, mathematics is supposed to be learning with realistic socialized its use in junior high school.
Key Word : Problem Solving Ability, Communication Ability, Realistic Matehmatics Approach, Variation  Of  Answers That The Students.


Nurfauziah Siregar
Dosen di STAIN Padangsidempuan

This study was aimed to determine (1) the differences between students' understanding of mathematical concepts to acquire problem-based learning with students receiving regular learning. (2) to knowing the differences in procedural knowledge of mathematics among students who received problem-based learning with students that receive the regular learning. (3) Describe the range of students' answers in solving the problem for both groups of each point about the understanding of concepts and procedural knowledge. (4) to knowing the thoroughness learning of students who received problem-based learning. (5) to knowing the students responses to problem-based learning. This study is a quasi-experimental research. The population was students in the junior class VIII Padangsidimpuan accredited in 2010. The instrument used test understanding of concepts, procedural knowledge tests and questionnaires on student responses. The instrument is deemed to have qualified to validite the contents, as well as understanding of the concept of test coefficient reliability of 0.94 and 0.90 for procedural knowledge test. Data analysis was performed by descriptive analysis  to describe the exhaustiveness of student learning, the variety of answers to students and student responses to learning activities analyse by t test. The result showed that: (1) there is a difference of the understanding of the concept among students who received problem-based learning compared with normal learning, where the problem-based learning can further enhance students' understanding of concepts than with ordinary learning. (2) there is a difference between the procedural knowledge among students who received problem-based learning compared with normal learning, where the problem-based learning can further improve procedural knowledge of mathematics students with the usual learning. (3) Variety of students' answers in a problem-based learning is more varied when compared with regular students in learning the answers. (4) understanding the concepts of students with problem-based learning with the complete percentage is 77.14% and in procedural knowledge with the students problem-based learning with the complete percentage is 88.57%. (5) there is a positive response to students' problem-based learning activities.
Key Word: understanding of concepts, procedural knowledge, problem-based learning, the range of students' answers, thoroughness learning, students responses.

Senin, 30 Januari 2012


Leni Agustina Daulay

Abstract. The purposes of this study are to examine: (1) Increasing mathematical problem-solving abilities of students who obtained a model of problem-based learning better than students who received direct instruction model, (2) Increasing the ability of students who obtained a mathematical connection problem based learning model is better than students who received direct instruction model, (3) Levels of student activity during problem-based learning process in progress.
This research is a semi-experimental. The population of this research is of seventh grade of Juinor High School accredited B at Tebing Tinggi. At random, one school was chosen as research subjects, namely Junior High School District 4 at Tebing Tinggi. Two Classes of seventh grade were selected randomly. Class experiment treated the problem based learning model and classroom teaching model treated controls directly. The instrument used consisted of: a test of mathematics problem-solving ability, mathematical ability test connection and observation sheet.Data analysis was performed with analysis of covariance (ANACOVA). The result of this study is the overall student learning with problem-based learning is significantly better in improving mathematical problem solving skills and connections that learning mathematics than students with hands-on teaching and activities of students in problem-based learning is effective. Based on the results of the study, the researchers recommend that: (1) problem-based learning in mathematics learning that emphasizes problem solving skills and mathematical connections students can be used as an alternative for implementing innovative math learning.
Keywords : Mathematical Problem solving, mathematical connection, Problem-Based Learning


Ika Sartika 

Abstract. This study aims to determine the influence of critical thinking skills among students who received mathematics learning through cooperative approaches with students who received conventional math learning. This research is a quasi-experimental study in junior high Madya Medan city, with the subject of student population is 31 and Junior Secondary Schools Private Nurul Hasanah and take 2 classes each of which is in Junior High School 31 class VIII.3 and VIII.4 while in junior high Private Nurul VIII.1 and VIII.2 Hasanah class as a research sample. Samples were randomly selected from two school units for the entire eighth grade at Junior High School 31 there are 5 classes in junior high while Private Nurul Hasanah there are 5 class. The instrument used to collect data in this study consisted of testing the ability to think critically before the instruments used first tested and the results for high reliability critical thinking (0.61). From the research there is the influence of critical thinking skills to obtain cooperative learning with students who obtain conventional learning. For the ability to think critically, to analyze the experimental class question 0.86 (high) while the control class 0.84 (high), 0.84 synthesize experimental class question (high) while the control class 0.80 (high), recognize the problem experimental class 0 , 86 (high) while the control class 0.77 (high), problem-solving experimental class 0.88 (high) while the control class 0.86 (high), concluded an experimental class question 0.91 (high) while the control class 0, 83 (high). From the results of this study concluded that critical thinking skills in students who obtained a cooperative learning approach to change significantly better than students who received conventional learning. Cooperative learning approach is an alternative for teachers of mathematics in presenting math, it should be socialized cooperative learning approach usage in institutions of units of each school.
Keywords : Influence, Cooperative, Critical, Thinking, Conventional


Awaluddin Sitorus
Abstract.,The problem in this research is the students' low ability of problem-solving and reasoning due to process of teacher-centered learning and without considering the capabilities of individuals in creation of knowledge. The Changing in the process of teaching paradigm (teacher-centered) into a paradigm of learning (student-centered) must be done. One of the student-centered learning and making capabilities of individuals as the basis for the formation of knowledge is an Improving Thinking Ability Learning Strategy (ITALS). Experimental research design with pretest-posttest control group aims to determine the increase in problem-solving and reasoning abilities of students. The population in this study is the whole high school students of Asahan. Randomly selected two schools that are at medium level (secondary), one school from the district capital, and another from the subdistrict capital. Then randomly selected two classes of some parallel class XII. Experimental classes were treated Upgrades Improving Thinking Ability Learning Strategies (ITALS), and control classes were treated Mathematical Approach Ordinary (conventional). The instrument used consisted of: Problem solving skills and reasoning ability tests. The content of validation instrument, lesson plans and lesson observation sheet are done by a Doctoral Education in Mathematics, two masters of education in mathematics, and two high school teachers. Data analysis was performed by t test. The main result of this research are the students who are taught by ITALS significantly better in improving problem solving skills, reasoning ability and the pattern of answers.
Keywords: Improving Thinking Ability Learning Strategies (ITALS), Problem Solving, Mathematical Reasoning

Selasa, 24 Januari 2012

Pembelajaran Inkuiri sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Berpikir Kritis dan Komunikasi Matematis Siswa Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Erika Simamora

Abstract., The study was conducted to improve the ability of critical thinking and mathematical communication students of SMP Negeri 14 Medan. This was an experimental study where the population is all students in grade IX SMP Negeri 14 Medan, which consisted of five classes. Samples were selected at random simple two classes so that the selected class IX (D) to control the class and class IX (E) be a class experiment where each class consists of 40 students. The instruments used in this study namely, tests of critical thinking skills and communication ability test shaped mathematical description of each test consists of 4 questions. The instrument has been tested and found valid and the reliability coefficient of 0.935 and 0.95 respectively for the ability of critical thinking and mathematical communication skills. The test is given twice before (pretest) and after (posttest) of learning. Conclusion of the study: (1) increase students 'critical thinking skills inquiry learning junior who received 0.3974 (39.74%) better than students who received conventional learning 0.274 (27.40%), (2) improving students' mathematical communication skills junior who received inquiry learning 0.3317 (33.17%) better than students who received conventional learning 0.257 (25.70%), (3) the pattern of responses of the students who followed the inquiry learning better than students who received conventional teaching based on value scores obtained by each class.

Keywords: Learning, Inquiry, Critical, Thinking, Mathematics, Communication

Pembelajaran Matematika dengan Model Quantum Teaching Berbantuan Media Audio Visual Untuk Meningkatkan Penalaran dan Motivasi Siswa SMP

Stanley P. Dewanto

Abstract., This paper discusses the ways in which audio visual media in Quantum teaching based learning can be used as a pedagogic means to enhance mathematics reasoning skills and to increase students’ motivation to study mathematics, based on the premise that, since audio visual media is already played a big role in many students daily life, its use can help to facilitate learning inside the mathematics classroom. Specifically, the paper reports on an intensive six-week Quantum teaching with media and audio visual’s aid at SMP BPK 1 Penabur Bandung, which sought to use audio visual media as analogous to mathematics reasoning in terms of introducing students to concepts in Data Handling material. Feedback from students indicates an appreciation of audio visual media in Quantum teaching based learning model. A high increase in average student performance (pre and post-test) is also noted.

Keywords: Quantum teaching based learning, Audio Visual Media, Mathematics Reasoning Skill, Learning Motivation.

Senin, 23 Januari 2012



Abstract. The aims of this study are conducted to know: (1) the comprehension and improvement of students ability of mathematical communications after studying cooperative learning model think-pair-share type with media software Autograph, (2) the students design in answering math comprehension and communications, (3) students responds to cooperative learning model think-pair-share type with media software Autograph. This research is a classroom action research. The subject of this research is 40 students of grade XI SMK N 9 Medan. The research object is the improvement of students ability in mathematical comprehension and communication through  cooperative learning model think-pair-share type with media software Autograph at discussion of transformation. The instruments are pretest, communication mathematical test, comprehension mathematical test, student note, observation sheets, and students respond. The reliable of pretest, comprehension mathematical test cycle 1 and 2 is 0,86 and the reliable of communication mathematical test is 0,88. This study consisted of 2 cycles of the first cycle consisted of 4 meetings and the second cycle consisted of 2 meetings. The result of study show that the (1) application of cooperative learning model think-pair-share type with media software Autograph can improve the ability of mathematical comprehension and mathematical communications of student, (2) the design in answering math communications and math comprehension are graphic is true and complete, the description of graphic is not complete enough, the description of graphic is true and complete, the description of graphic is not complete. (3) Students respond of cooperative learning model think-pair-share type with media software Autograph is good. Based on this conclusion it is expected that the teachers can apply cooperative learning model think-pair-share type with media software Autograph to improve the ability of mathematical comprehension and mathematical communications of student.
Keywords : Cooperative learning model think-pair-share, mathematical communication test, mathematical comprehension test